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St Oliver's Primary School, Cullyhanna


21st Oct 2024
Last week in Afterschool Miss Gibney carved pumpkins with everyone. They all had...
18th Oct 2024
Our Y6/7 class entered a competition in St Joseph's Crossmaglen to win tickets for...
18th Oct 2024
Mrs McCreesh decided to enter her class into a spooky Halloween writing competition...
18th Oct 2024
This week we participated in activities to mark Maths week. Each morning our Y6/7...
18th Oct 2024
Lots of fun was had today as Primary 1-3 zipped up their coats and headed outside...
18th Oct 2024
Our Pupil of the Week certificates were awarded to Rory, Ben and Rebecca this week. ...
15th Oct 2024
On Monday our team travelled to Whitecross to take part in another football blitz....
15th Oct 2024
Primary 6 and 7 have enjoyed learning about time in Numeracy. They have made their...
11th Oct 2024
Friday afternoon is our time to come together to celebrate all our weekly achievements. ...